In a shocking turn of events, renowned rapper Nicki Minaj has become embroiled in a legal dispute as her former tour manager, Brandon Garrett, accuses her of physical assault and emotional distress. The allegations, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, have captured global attention, placing the 42-year-old artist at the center of controversy.

The incident in question allegedly occurred during Minaj’s Pink Friday 2 tour at Detroit’s Little Caesars Arena on April 21, 2025. Court documents obtained by media outlets, including TMZ and Variety, claim that Garrett was verbally and physically attacked by Minaj in front of her team members.

What Led to the Alleged Altercation?

The lawsuit states that Garrett received a message from Nicki Minaj’s head of security, Larry Dathan, summoning him to her dressing room. Upon arrival, Minaj allegedly expressed frustration about her team’s coordination and questioned a staff member, Luke Montgomery, about his responsibilities on the tour.

Montgomery detailed his tasks, which included venue arrangements, organizing transportation, and handling personal errands like picking up prescriptions. Garrett reportedly explained that he assigned Montgomery the task of collecting prescriptions due to other pressing duties, but Minaj’s reaction allegedly turned hostile.

According to the lawsuit, Minaj screamed at Garrett, saying:
“Are you f***** crazy having him pick up my prescription? You have lost your f****** mind, and if my husband were here, he would knock out your f****** teeth. You’re a dead man walking. You just f****** up your whole life, and you will never be anyone, I’ll make sure of it.”*

The situation allegedly escalated further when Minaj demanded details about the prescriptions Montgomery had collected and then struck Garrett on the side of his face, causing his hat to fall off and his head to jerk backward.

Aftermath of the Incident

Garrett claims he was left physically and emotionally shaken, suffering a “throbbing” wrist injury during the altercation. He reportedly locked himself in a bathroom for hours following the incident. Soon after, he received a message informing him that he would not be needed for the next tour stop.

In his lawsuit, Garrett seeks compensation for physical harm and emotional distress, describing the confrontation as intentional and damaging. Additionally, he has filed a police report with the Detroit Police Department.

Nicki Minaj’s Legal Team Responds

Minaj’s lawyer, Judd Burstein, has strongly denied the allegations, calling the lawsuit “completely false and frivolous.” In a statement to TMZ, Burstein said:
“At this time, no complaint has been served upon Minaj, and therefore, we are unaware of the specific allegations. However, if the lawsuit is as reported, it is completely false and frivolous. We are confident that the matter brought by this ex-assistant will be resolved swiftly in Mrs. Petty’s favor.”

As the legal proceedings unfold, this case has become a significant talking point among fans and the media, with many closely monitoring updates on the lawsuit.

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